Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

For 20 years, Disney and Kimberly-Clark have been in a relationship. Disney gave Kimberly-Clark — primarily a company of paper products — the right to use Disney characters to sell Kleenex, and Huggies diapers, among other things. Well, maybe “gave” is not the right verb but if you’ve seen Mickey and Minnie on your box… Continue reading Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

Disney Ships' Parade Connection

When you have a seven-year-old crawling under your Christmas tree, as we did yesterday, the pause in festivities inevitably includes watching Disney’s Christmas Day parade on the flat-screen. So we did. As grandparents whose interests in cruising are as keen as grandchildren’s interests in what’s under the tree, the presence of Disney Cruise Lines intrigued… Continue reading Disney Ships' Parade Connection