Bionic upgrade en route

I’ve been struggling with this one for a while, but I should probably take some time to let my non-local friends know about the new-ish hiccup in my universe. As a lot of people know, I’ve got an iffy knee, courtesy of a mountain bike vs. hidden ditch accident in 1989. Some of my high… Continue reading Bionic upgrade en route

Categorized as Lincoln

Perspectives on 9/11

I didn’t really want to get all 9/11-y, as so many people are. I experienced the same horror that day that so many others did. Hell, at the time, I was a volunteer ambulance attendant — I almost jumped in a car and headed to New York to help. But I decided that I needed… Continue reading Perspectives on 9/11

Categorized as Lincoln

Customer link

Just an add for a customer whose web site I worked on a while ago — Strictly Amish. Really, really nice furniture in Winnipeg.

Categorized as Lincoln