So here’s a question for you. Do you think “a sunset is a sunset is a sunset?” If you don’t, you may find these sunset photos interesting, as we have from a variety of cruises in different parts of the world… You never quite know what you’ll see when the sun’s setting in the South Pacific, and… Continue reading Answering The Big Question About Sunset is a Sunset is a Sunset — or is it?
Category: Photos
Signs of the Times…from Cruise Ports
One of the interesting things about visiting foreign countries — and there’s no better way to see many of them than from a cruise ship — is the number of photo ops. Signs quickly became a subject we kept an eye open for, and below are some we found “interesting” for a variety of reasons…… Continue reading Signs of the Times…from Cruise Ports
Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies
Mention the word “cruise” and the word “food” is usually not far behind. Today, we’re giving you a “taste” of some of the dishes we’ve enjoyed on a variety of cruises and a variety of ships… The presentation is as immaculate and tasteful as this Crown Princess chocolate raspberry dessert. Seafood delicacies like this from the… Continue reading Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies
Cruises Open Up The World Of Art
You don’t have to appreciate fine art to enjoy some of the works you encounter in traveling the world on cruise ships — and there is art of some sort virtually everywhere you go. This is a collection of artistic impressions that have caught our eyes, or at least the lens of our cameras… Love… Continue reading Cruises Open Up The World Of Art
Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships
We’ve often been asked: “What’s your favorite cruise ship?” It’s a question often asked of anybody who cruises a lot by people who cruise a little, or less. Our answer, one we borrowed from the late John Maxtone-Graham, is always the same: “The one we’re on.” That’s pretty much how we feel. When you love… Continue reading Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships