Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

For 20 years, Disney and Kimberly-Clark have been in a relationship. Disney gave Kimberly-Clark — primarily a company of paper products — the right to use Disney characters to sell Kleenex, and Huggies diapers, among other things. Well, maybe “gave” is not the right verb but if you’ve seen Mickey and Minnie on your box… Continue reading Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

When Is The Biggest Ship Biggest?

There is always debates when the subject of “biggest cruise ships in the world” is raised. Some people (like us) tend to think the biggest ship is the one that carries the most people, not the one that weighs the most or is the longest from tip to stern or has the most bow thrusters.… Continue reading When Is The Biggest Ship Biggest?

Celebrity’s ‘Evening Chic’ Dress Code

At first glance, the latest attempt to define how people should dress when going for dinner on Celebrity cruise ships could be called splitting hairs.  Or threads. No more “formal” nights in the dining room. They’re being replaced by “evening chic” nights. What’s evening chic? “Dressier than smart casual, less dressy than formal.” Dig a… Continue reading Celebrity’s ‘Evening Chic’ Dress Code

Friday File: Cruising And Works Of Art

Wherever your cruise ship takes you, one thing you can be certain of is that you will encounter local artwork. It may be a statue, or a mural, or a sandcastle or something that you’re not quite sure what it is, but it will always be interesting. In years of cruising, we’ve admired (okay, at… Continue reading Friday File: Cruising And Works Of Art

Evolution Of Free WiFi On Ships

In the hotel industry, it started — at least for us — with Best Western. Free WiFi. In those days, it was a bonus because most hotels were charging up to $20 a night for checking your email. The next phase was free WiFi in the lobby and, today, most hotels offer some kind of… Continue reading Evolution Of Free WiFi On Ships