Vote smarter this federal election

Hey, wacky Canadian readers: If you are at all concerned about the environment, or you just plain don’t want a Harper-led majority government, you need to check out Vote for Environment: It’s all about voting strategically, so that your vote counts: was designed by Canadians who believe what the vast majority of the world

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Really? REALLY?

THIS is the person who should be next-in-line to the presidency of the United States? “That’s why I say I, like every American I’m speaking with, we’re ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the taxpayers looking to bail out but ultimately what the bailout does is help those… Continue reading Really? REALLY?

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Tripp Isenhour is a douche

I read this article about PGA tour golfer Tripp Isenhour killing an endangered hawk while filming “Shoot Like A Pro,” some golf TV show. My first reaction was, “I remember this when it was Dave Winfield’s story.” Then I read the story. It seems Tripp was annoyed by the hawk, so he started shooting balls… Continue reading Tripp Isenhour is a douche

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“Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve”

Max Blumenthal did a walkthrough of the College Republican National Convention Tour, and recorded responses that he got from these young, fresh, hell-no-I’m-not-serving-in-Iraq college students. It is absolutely brilliant — especially the Christian high school student who almost has a meltdown over the “Adam and Steve” comment by Blumenthal. I will say, however, that Blumenthal’s… Continue reading “Adam and Eve, Not Adam and Steve”

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