We’ve often been asked: “What’s your favorite cruise ship?” It’s a question often asked of anybody who cruises a lot by people who cruise a little, or less. Our answer, one we borrowed from the late John Maxtone-Graham, is always the same: “The one we’re on.” That’s pretty much how we feel. When you love… Continue reading Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships
Tag: Cruise bargains
Viator Guide A Memorable Man
His name is Kim. Just Kim. We are introduced on the banks of the Saigon River in Vietnam. We are on a Viator excursion and he is our guide. He is polite, informative and the antithesis of a rah-rah guide who tries to impress with his clever dialogue so that at the end of the… Continue reading Viator Guide A Memorable Man
Royal Caribbean And Haiti…A Problem?
This is a blog about Royal Caribbean, Haiti and reading between the lines. A lot of people are doing that these days following what appeared to be a fairly innocent incident this month: ships skipping Labadee because of a group of protesters on the water offshore. Little more than that was said…at first. What has… Continue reading Royal Caribbean And Haiti…A Problem?
Huggies Link For Disney Ships
For 20 years, Disney and Kimberly-Clark have been in a relationship. Disney gave Kimberly-Clark — primarily a company of paper products — the right to use Disney characters to sell Kleenex, and Huggies diapers, among other things. Well, maybe “gave” is not the right verb but if you’ve seen Mickey and Minnie on your box… Continue reading Huggies Link For Disney Ships
The Norwegian Edge For All Its Ships
On the subject of “you have to spend money to make money” is there an industry where it’s more obvious than cruising. Norwegian is the latest. After an aggressive new-ship program that will have enlarged the fleet by six ships in seven years by 2019, it was logical to assume Norwegian might hold off on… Continue reading The Norwegian Edge For All Its Ships