Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

For 20 years, Disney and Kimberly-Clark have been in a relationship. Disney gave Kimberly-Clark — primarily a company of paper products — the right to use Disney characters to sell Kleenex, and Huggies diapers, among other things. Well, maybe “gave” is not the right verb but if you’ve seen Mickey and Minnie on your box… Continue reading Huggies Link For Disney Ships   

Turkey Ports A Victim Of Fear

We’ve never been on a cruise ship that stopped in Turkey. Now, chances are we never will. Such is the cruise climate in this volatile part of the world, even though Istanbul and Kusadesi aren’t in the same area code as places bordering on Syria, where there are daily fears of terrorist attacks. On the… Continue reading Turkey Ports A Victim Of Fear

Ships, Internet Connected For Cruisers

There are people who go on cruises because they want to escape from their daily routines, and these days daily routines almost always involve being online. When they’re cruising, they don’t want to touch a computer, read from an iPad or see a smartphone. Well, as one of our friends once said: “Include us out.”… Continue reading Ships, Internet Connected For Cruisers

Cruise And Cancer An Unlikely Tandem

In Canada today it’s National Wear Pink Day, a chance for the whole country to “Get Pink’d” in support of breast cancer. In Canada, we have a niece who is fighting breast cancer. She just returned from a cruise, which is why today’s subject is the dreaded disease. For her, the battle is almost two… Continue reading Cruise And Cancer An Unlikely Tandem

The Impact of Frozen and Friends

Frozen cruises. Now there’s an oxymoron. With the exception of adventurous expeditions to the Poles, cruises are generally for warm-weather people. Lie on the deck, swim in the pool, sit in the moonlight on the balcony. None of these things works on a “frozen cruise.” Unless it’s Disney. Everybody knows Frozen, the movie…while we did… Continue reading The Impact of Frozen and Friends