Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies

Mention the word “cruise” and the word “food” is usually not far behind. Today, we’re giving you a “taste” of some of the dishes we’ve enjoyed on a variety of cruises and a variety of ships… The presentation is as immaculate and tasteful as this Crown Princess chocolate raspberry dessert. Seafood delicacies like this from the… Continue reading Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies

Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships

We’ve often been asked: “What’s your favorite cruise ship?” It’s a question often asked of anybody who cruises a lot by people who cruise a little, or less. Our answer, one we borrowed from the late John Maxtone-Graham, is always the same: “The one we’re on.” That’s pretty much how we feel. When you love… Continue reading Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships

Norwegian, The Frank Del Rio Way

When Frank Del Rio became CEO of the company that owns Norwegian Cruise Line, everybody who has seen him in action knew there would be more action to see. Outgoing, perhaps even flamboyant, gregarious and entertaining, he seems to stand still for nothing unless it’s for the next idea to pop into his head…within minutes,… Continue reading Norwegian, The Frank Del Rio Way

How Fast Can You Pack For A Deal?

Everybody loves a deal. That used to mean taking advantage of last-minute sales that were sometimes the product of too much product. Too many televisions…too many optical mice…too many empty rooms. Take your pick. On cruise ships, empty rooms generate no income. Then, along came Royal Caribbean, earlier this year deciding not to bow to… Continue reading How Fast Can You Pack For A Deal?

Chilling Out On Norwegian’s Escape

The new Norwegian Escape has now left its birthplace in Germany and is en route to its home in Miami, following a short stop in Southhampton. At 5,000 or so passengers, it is now Norwegian’s largest ship and among the top half-dozen biggest ships in the world, and it comes with some innovations. Like a… Continue reading Chilling Out On Norwegian’s Escape