Answering The Big Question About Sunset is a Sunset is a Sunset — or is it?

So here’s a question for you. Do you think “a sunset is a sunset is a sunset?” If you don’t, you may find these sunset photos interesting, as we have from a variety of cruises in different parts of the world… You never quite know what you’ll see when the sun’s setting in the South Pacific, and… Continue reading Answering The Big Question About Sunset is a Sunset is a Sunset — or is it?

Everyone on the pool deck!

Midst the snow and the cold of late winter, the upper decks of cruise ships provide a welcome escape, even if only in pictures. Today’s selection is the pool decks of some ships we’ve been on, to see if you think a deck is a deck is a deck…so, do you? There’s always color and sunshine on pool… Continue reading Everyone on the pool deck!

Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies

Mention the word “cruise” and the word “food” is usually not far behind. Today, we’re giving you a “taste” of some of the dishes we’ve enjoyed on a variety of cruises and a variety of ships… The presentation is as immaculate and tasteful as this Crown Princess chocolate raspberry dessert. Seafood delicacies like this from the… Continue reading Cruise Ship Food: Dishes And Delicacies

Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships

We’ve often been asked: “What’s your favorite cruise ship?” It’s a question often asked of anybody who cruises a lot by people who cruise a little, or less. Our answer, one we borrowed from the late John Maxtone-Graham, is always the same: “The one we’re on.” That’s pretty much how we feel. When you love… Continue reading Friday File: Favorite Cruise Ships

The Norwegian Edge For All Its Ships 

On the subject of “you have to spend money to make money” is there an industry where it’s more obvious than cruising. Norwegian is the latest. After an aggressive new-ship program that will have enlarged the fleet by six ships in seven years by 2019, it was logical to assume Norwegian might hold off on… Continue reading The Norwegian Edge For All Its Ships