Friday File: Carnival Live 2016

It would be nice to tell you that after we wondered aloud two weeks ago when Carnival was going to announce its Carnival Live performers for next year that the cruise line promptly reacted and made the announcement this week. It would also be presumptuous, to say the least. Nonetheless, four entertainers have signed up… Continue reading Friday File: Carnival Live 2016

Re-Trace Adkins A Hit With Carnival

The last time Trace Adkins was on a cruise ship, it was not a happy time. The country music star and a man who impersonated him went nose-to-nose on the Norwegian Pearl, Adkins got off at the next stop (Tampa) and checked himself into rehab. That was early in 2014. After going through recovery, as… Continue reading Re-Trace Adkins A Hit With Carnival

Carnival's Bridging The Entertainment Extremes

You know, when it comes to concerts — and we've been to a LOT of them — there are two extremes.  One, you can pay top dollar and take your binoculars so that you can actually see the artist you can't hear because you're screaming your lungs out, for reasons that can never be articulated… Continue reading Carnival's Bridging The Entertainment Extremes

Cruise Ship To Rehab Not A Happy Trip

We have friends who belong to AA. That's not American Airlines, it's Alcoholics Anonymous. So we are aware of how tough it can be to struggle with this disease, and to beat it, and to think you've beaten it and then discover you haven't. One of the unspoken fears of cruise lines is, because of… Continue reading Cruise Ship To Rehab Not A Happy Trip

Are Cruise Ships the New Fairgrounds?

How times do change! How many years ago was it that we trekked three kids and a busload of friends (well, it felt like a busload) five hours from home to a concert featuring multiple acts, most of whom we'd never heard of…a couple of stars and a large supporting cast. Now you can do… Continue reading Are Cruise Ships the New Fairgrounds?