New ship No. 6 — Mein Schiff 5

Sixth in a series of new ships for 2016 Most North Americans, it’s safe to assume, know little about TUI Cruises. It’s a smaller cruise line, or a cruise line of smaller ships, or both. It is, however, owned by Royal Caribbean and that gives it a cache of credibility for people interesting in cruising on… Continue reading New ship No. 6 — Mein Schiff 5

Musical Match for Queen Mary 2

Of all the cruise lines that have matched entertainers with their demographic, it’s unlikely any of them has done it better than Cunard. Herbie Hancock plays the Queen Mary 2. The child prodigy is 75. It stands to reason that many of the cruise passengers who will be enamoured by his music are of the… Continue reading Musical Match for Queen Mary 2

The Venice Cruise Controversy

One of the cruise stories that just refuses to go away is Venice. Here’s a recent headline from The Daily Telegraph, in London: “Giant cruise ships ‘crushing the life out of Venice.’” This is a story that’s been going on for years, and there’s no end in sight. What it boils down to is this:… Continue reading The Venice Cruise Controversy

Mexico: Why Tourists Matter

If you’ve been reading our meanderings these last almost-six years (and of course you have, right?), then you know that we have a soft spot for Mexico. You know that when things goes sour south of the border, we feel badly and sometimes even defensive. You know when things go well, we raise a glass… Continue reading Mexico: Why Tourists Matter

Vietnam: Cruising’s Next Hotspot?

Maybe it’s because we were just in Vietnam, cruising down the Mekong River on the AmaDara. Maybe it’s because every time somebody asks us what Vietnam was like, we can’t say enough nice things. Maybe it’s because more cruise ships — new ones from Carnival and Norwegian and Princess, all announced in a 24-hour period… Continue reading Vietnam: Cruising’s Next Hotspot?