Pearl Time For The Legends

You know, those of us who have seen Legends In Concert on the Norwegian Epic should have known it would find a new home. We should have known it wouldn’t work as well in Europe, where the Epic has been since spring and where it will stay until November 2016, because Europeans don’t seem to… Continue reading Pearl Time For The Legends

Epic Entertainment’s New Future

For anybody who has ever sailed on her, the “E” in Epic has always stood — unofficially — for “entertainment.” Cruising is an industry that is all about “firsts” but in the big picture — the Epic picture if you will — time dulls the memories of which cruise line or ship first did this… Continue reading Epic Entertainment’s New Future

An Epic Move in Norwegian Entertainment?

Of all the cruise ships we've sailed on, the Norwegian Epic still ranks at or near the top of the list. This, despite the fact that many have railed against it as the ugly duckling of the family for any number of reasons, starting with its "box top" appearance. Frankly, what a ship looked like… Continue reading An Epic Move in Norwegian Entertainment?

Legends in Concert — A 'Really Big Shew' at Sea

So…Jimmy Buffett or "Jimmy Buffett?" Rod Stewart or "Rod Stewart?" Michael Jackson or…don't go there. These are the options that Legends in Concert have given the world, for the last three decades. For the last three years, they've been doing shows on the Norwegian Epic…the 1,000th one earlier this month. Despite having seen the billboards… Continue reading Legends in Concert — A 'Really Big Shew' at Sea

Standing on the Sidewalk, Waiting for…?

We were standing outside the terminal at Los Angeles International, waiting for a bus to take us to a car rental lot. Another passenger from our flight was waiting for the same bus, which was in no hurry to get there. He struck up a conversation. While we recognized immediately he was from England, we… Continue reading Standing on the Sidewalk, Waiting for…?