A good part of being successful in the cruise business, or any business for that matter, is knowing your clientele. For Cunard that means The Savoy, Jack Daniel’s and Dee Dee Bridgewater. It may be news to you, as it was to us, that “The Savoy” stands for Savoy Beaufort Bar — last year chosen… Continue reading Cunard Cocktails…And All That Jazz
Tag: Cunard
Musical Match for Queen Mary 2
Of all the cruise lines that have matched entertainers with their demographic, it’s unlikely any of them has done it better than Cunard. Herbie Hancock plays the Queen Mary 2. The child prodigy is 75. It stands to reason that many of the cruise passengers who will be enamoured by his music are of the… Continue reading Musical Match for Queen Mary 2
Thanksgiving: Time To Make A Deal
If you’re wondering what became of Turkey Thursday, well, it was long ago gobbled up by Black Friday. Four or five centuries ago, it was the holiday with a singular purpose: to give thanks, be grateful. Today is about parades and football games and, most of all, shopping. It is the busiest day of the… Continue reading Thanksgiving: Time To Make A Deal
More Breaks For Single Cruisers
Cruise times are changing. They always are. Here’s one of the latest… Cunard announced a refurbishment of the Queen Mary 2, and with it comes news that 15 single staterooms will be added. The rationale from Cunard is that single rooms are necessary because not only are more people cruising solo, but there are… Continue reading More Breaks For Single Cruisers
Managing Pets On Board
Firstly, we must come clean: We LOVE dogs. We had a Corgi for 16 years and she traveled almost everywhere with us, many times on planes. The other day, while disembarking from a plane, we walked by a seat occupied by a dog. He/she was standing on all fours in the middle seat, which didn’t… Continue reading Managing Pets On Board