Mexico: Why Tourists Matter

If you’ve been reading our meanderings these last almost-six years (and of course you have, right?), then you know that we have a soft spot for Mexico. You know that when things goes sour south of the border, we feel badly and sometimes even defensive. You know when things go well, we raise a glass… Continue reading Mexico: Why Tourists Matter

Friday File: Beaches With A Difference

So many places visited by cruise ships have beaches, or beaches nearby, because — let’s face it — everybody’s thinking about finding somewhere warm with the coming months of winter. But beaches are more than just silk sand and warm water, as you will see from a few that we’ve discovered from cruising… Perhaps the… Continue reading Friday File: Beaches With A Difference

Friday File: Searching For Margaritaville

One of us is obsessed with the tequila-based drinks called margaritas…not drinking them, finding where they are. Like, in Margaritaville, homeland of Jimmy Buffett. As a concession to her, and at the risk of alienating you, below are some of the fruits of her labor (and you can be sure there are more to come!)…… Continue reading Friday File: Searching For Margaritaville

A Time For Change In Cozumel

  We were in a meeting yesterday, called to discuss the time change in Cozumel, one of our favorite cruise ports. Since there were only two people attending, there wasn’t a lot of debate…only a lot of explaining so that one of us (ahem) could understand what was going on here. On the first of… Continue reading A Time For Change In Cozumel

Baby’s Cries Save Man Overboard

Any parent will likely agree nothing good can happen when a baby cries and cries and cries in the middle of the night. Until now. Heather and Daniel Felton of Louisville took their 13-month-old daughter on a Disney cruise. In the middle of a January night, little Katherine delivered one of those early wake-up calls… Continue reading Baby’s Cries Save Man Overboard